Brownie 101 -Installation

M-Zohaib Nasir
2 min readMar 3, 2022

What is Brownie?

Brownie is a Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine. ~eth-Brownie

Quite simple! Isn’t it? To dive deeper into some important concepts. Click here!

Installing Brownie:

The recommended way to install Brownie is via pipx. ~ eth-brownie

Why pipx?
You may ask. The reason is pipx installs Brownie into a virtual environment and makes it available directly from the command line. Once installed, you will never have to activate a virtual environment prior to using Brownie.

But pipx doesn’t ship with python3. So, first lets get over with that then,

python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath

To install Brownie using pipx:

pipx install eth-brownie

& wait till it’s over. If this wasn’t my technical blog, I would have been telling you something that doesn't make sense, something stupid and random but as it is not, I’m sticking to my only “senseful talks” rule, or you may say “being professional” rule.

Oh!! It’s over. Let’s take another small step.

#let's verify

I hope it does! (fingers_crossed xD).

Other Installation Method:

You can also install it using pip only

pip install eth-brownie#To clone the github repository and install via setuptools:git clone
cd brownie
python3 install
# But the first method worked well for me.

Installing Ganache:

To install Ganache, Click here


we will be getting a bit into brownie “getting started” part in our next blog: Brownie 101- New Project

